How to Build Your Own Log Cabin

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Log Cabin Kits

If you’re considering building a log cabin retreat, you’ll want to read this article by The writer states that their preferred method of log cabin building, the skip style butt and pass method, results in a stronger more long lasting home that is also considerably easier and cheaper to build. The article states that log cabin kits are much less sturdy, more expensive to build and require a lot more maintenance. So before you run out and start hiring contractors to build your log cabin retreat, get all the helpful information about this easy to build model by reading the full article here.

Build Your Own Log Home in the Woods

Experienced log cabin builder, Jackie Clay brings us this fabulously fun article for, giving us great tips and hints on how to avoid common problems when building your own log cabin. A true down home builder, Jackie doesn’t get her information from a classroom, but rather from having built several of her own log cabins. She’s figured out what works and what doesn’t and shares many of her secretes in this article. She gives us great tips on how to make sure your windows and doors don’t go awry after the cabin settles, as well as some great information on creating a fabulous half log stair case. Check out all her words of wisdom by reading the full article here.

Build a Handsome, Sturdy and Affordable Log Cabin

From when to fell your trees, to how to create and execute your log cabin design, this article by Michael Chotiner for will take you well on your way to building your very own log cabin home. Michael also gives us some great history on the love of wood homes and how the particular building style that is prevalent in America got its start. From the sturdy stone base all the way to your windows and doors, Michael takes us through every step of making our log cabin dreams come true. Get all the helpful details by reading the full article here.

I Want to Live in a Log Cabin

Jthitt takes us on his journey of building is first log cabin in this article for After starting to gather the equipment he’d need to both start a new business and build his log cabin, JT found out he was in for big changes in his life. Now rich with tools to create his sawmill and then his first log cabin, he found out his wife had decided to take another path In life and left him with not only the makings of a saw mill, but also two children that still needed to be home schooled. He did the only thing he could and took early retirement to take care of business at home and of course start building his new business and his log cabin. You can get the whole scoop on his adventures and plenty of great pictures of his cabin as it goes up by reading the full article here.

Mortgage Free for Life. Inspiring Woman Shows How to Build a Log Cabin by Hand.

In this inspiring video posted by Becky’s Homestead, we get to see Becky and her helpers build her own log cabin from a log cabin kit. Starting from clearing the ground all the way to the finish, she takes us step by step through the process. At 42 years old, Becky bought a plot of land and a log cabin kit and then set about figuring out how to build her cabin while living on the site in a tent. It’s incredibly interesting and great to watch. Check out the full video here.