You can never have too many tools or pieces of machinery equipment when you are constantly tackling projects in your yard, or on the job. From hydraulic log splitters, log splitter attachment accessories, chainsaws, and any other items you might think of, if you are doing that kind of manual labor on a regular basis, these will all come in handy at some point. If you don't know what to add next to your arsenal of machines, a dewatering pump may be the perfect addition. If you have been on the fence with one of these, here are some important points to take into account and some of the benefits they provide.
What exactly does a dewatering pump do? Well, these machines can come in very handy to areas that can experience flooding at times, as the pump can suck the water in through an inlet valve, and dispose of it out a discharge valve, removing it from the space that you may not want it to be, whether that is a backyard lawn, job site, or even a room inside your home.
The large majority of pumps will range anywhere from 1"-4" in inlet diameter, which will only affect the amount of water that is moved in a certain amount of time, with the bigger pump moving more water, faster. There are even protective features you can invest in for these machines, such as roll cages, which are a ideal if they are going to be used on some kind of job site.
If you are in the market for a high quality dewatering pump at an affordable price, look no further than the 2 inch Banjo Dewatering Pump Honda GX160 from This model will truly give you the most bang for your buck, as it is powered by a top of the line, commercial grade 5.5HP Honda GX160 engine, and even comes with the electric start option, the most common option on many commercial job sites. If you need even more flow and power, we also carry a 6.5HP Honda GX200 with a 3 inch port! With a stainless steel hardware body and strong, glass filled polypropylene features, this model can pump out an incredible 11,700 gallons of water per hour, so you can get your job taken care of as quickly and as painlessly as possible.
For those who experience constant flooding in areas like their lawn or even construction site, or have been hit with a flooded area that will not dissipate, investing in a dewatering pump might be the most important purchase you can make for the longevity of these sites. Always be sure to keep up on maintenance with these machines to ensure their durability and performance.